

Arizona Christian University

  • ENG 101 – English Composition I
    • This is a course in writing academic prose, including various types of essays, arguments, and constructions. A writing-intensive course.
  • ENG 102 – English Composition II
    • This course explores various types of research writing, with a focus on constructing essays, arguments, and research reports based on primary and secondary sources. A writing-intensive course.
  • COM 203 – Introduction to Communication
    • This course seeks to answer five key questions: What is communication? Where does it occur? How does it occur? Why does it matter? How do we study it? In answering these questions the course provides an introduction to major issues in the field of communication.

Arizona State University

  • ENG 101 – English Composition I
    • Discover, organize, and develop ideas in relation to the writer’s purpose, subject, and audience. Emphasizes modes of written discourse and the effective use of rhetorical principles.
  • ENG 102 – English Composition II
    • Critical reading and writing; emphasizes strategies of academic discourse. Research paper required.

Concordia University

  • AENG 201 – Literature
    • This course will focus on critical thinking and research-based writing through comparative and interdisciplinary analysis. Alongside lectures and class discussions, the study of representative great works of Western and non-Western literature from the 17th century to the present will emphasize the literary, cultural, and religious significance of these texts.
  • AWRT 104 – College Composition
    • Students will practice research methods and a variety of writing strategies such as narration, description, exposition, and argumentation as they develop as critical thinkers and writers through research, reading, writing, and writers workshops.

Grand Canyon University

  • UNV 100 – Developmental Writing Skills
    • This course is for students who need to improve their foundational English writing skills and strategies. The class reviews fundamentals such as grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and effective paragraph development. It also focuses on the basics of prewriting and revision strategies, style, and development. Students begin with simple writing tasks but progressively increase to more complex multi-paragraph essay assignments in preparation for academic writing at the college level.
  • ENG 105 – English Composition I
    • This is a course in writing academic prose, including various types of essays, arguments, and constructions. A writing-intensive course.
  • ENG 106 – English Composition II
    • This course explores various types of research writing, with a focus on constructing essays, arguments, and research reports based on primary and secondary sources. A writing-intensive course.
  • ENG 350 –
    • This course is a study of outstanding authors, their works, and the literary movements from the Colonial Age to Romanticism (1850).
  • ENG 356 – The Short Story
    • This course is a study of the short story in English and in translation, its development, the different types, and an analysis of technique.
  • COM 100 – Fundamentals of Communication
    • This course is an introduction to the field of communication with an emphasis on the history of communication study, relevant communication theories guiding current research, the contexts in which communication occurs, and issues faced by students of communication. The course focuses on introducing students to various communication models as well as theories and skills in interpersonal communication, small group communication, mass communication, intercultural communication, and public communication.
  • COM 456 – Organizational Communication
    • The course covers historical and contemporary organizational theory and application across organizational contexts of corporate communication, team/small group communication, and interpersonal communication. Organizational theory and application topics, including leadership, are covered within each major area.

Grantham University

  • EN101 – English Composition I
    • This course develops written communication skills with an emphasis on understanding the writing process. Students will analyze readings and practice writing for personal and professional applications. This course satisfies the General Education requirement.
  • EN102 – English Composition II
    • This course expands writing skills developed in English Composition I. Writing a structured, research term paper develops additional proficiency in composing academic papers through the process of pre-writing, writing, and re-writing. Research skills with the internet and published resources are integrated into composition with an emphasis on distinguishing supportive evidence.
  • EN301 – Survey of American Literature I
    • This course examines America’s literary heritage from the times of Christopher Columbus through Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson. Literary topics include the literature of early America (e.g. authored by Columbus, Captain John Smith, William Bradford, the New England Primer, and Jonathan Edwards), the literature of the eighteenth century (e.g. authored by Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, and Thomas Jefferson) and the literature of the early-to-mid-nineteenth century (e.g., authored by Washington Irving, Cooper, Poe, Emerson, Melville, Douglass, Lincoln, and Hawthorne).
  • EN302 – Survey of American Literature II
    • This course is a continuation of the literature examined in Survey of American Literature I. Students will examine and analyze a collection of American Literature beginning with writers from the late 19th Century through present times. Some of the great literary works to be read are from Mark Twain, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Jack London, Ernest Hemingway, John Steinbeck, Eudora Welty, and others.
  • EN361 – Technical Writing
    • This course explores the fundamental principles of successful professional communication. Topics include how to write business correspondence, job search correspondence, public relations documents, and professional reports. Students will also learn how to define audiences and purpose, design document layout, and write, revise, and proofread the text.
  • EN405 – Literature of the Western World I
    • This course covers the literature of the Western World from ancient times through the Renaissance. This anthology is limited to the literature of Europe and America but provides extensive analytic and explanatory apparatus. Topics covered include literature from the ancient world (e.g. authors such as the Bible, Sophocles, and Virgil), the Middle Ages (e.g., authors such as Dante and Chaucer), and the Renaissance (e.g., authors such as Milton, de Cervantes, and Shakespeare).
  • EN406 – Literature of the Western World II
    • An intermediate-level course that is a study of literary offerings from the 17th through the 20th centuries. Some of the great literary works to be read are selections from Moliere, Swift, Pope, Hobbes, Locke, the Romantics, the Realists, and the Naturalists, and both Modern and Contemporary writers. This course considers the writings themselves and the world in which the authors practiced their craft.
  • GU299 – General Education Capstone
    • GU299 is the capstone course for Grantham University’s general education program, and it serves a dual purpose. First, GU299 helps students’ bridge the gap between the broad-based learning they experience throughout their general education courses and the discipline-specific learning they will engage in as they move closer toward degree completion. Secondly, by highlighting the specific skills and knowledge they attained through their general studies and working with them to incorporate those skills and that knowledge within their specific academic areas, students will achieve a greater awareness of how knowledge is intertwined, and better recognize how information drawn from one experience can be applied directly toward another, leading them to become more actively engaged, socially aware citizens of the various communities to which they belong.

Liberty University

  • COMS 101 – Speech Communication
    • Study and practice in communicating ideas competently in public speaking. Students are also given a foundation for the development of communication skills in other human communication contexts, including dyadic and small group communication.
  • COMS 546 – Effective Social Media
    • Using social media platforms to build a competitive advantage. Involves extensive integration and application of social media technologies.
    • Cross-listed with STCO 546
  • DIGI 710 – Digital and Strategic Communication Audience Measurement
    • The types and uses of digital & strategic communication audience measurements, the use of big data in shaping the user experience and organizational strategy.
  • COMS 987 – Dissertation I
    • COMS 987 is the initial step for Ph.D. students and faculty to actualize the student’s research project. It provides a focused study of the problem, purpose, significance, theoretical framework, biblical integration, and important literature relevant to the proposed project.
  • COMS 988 – Dissertation II
    • This course is the second step for Ph.D. students and faculty to actualize the student’s dissertation. It provides a focused study of the methodology that will be employed in the dissertation and allows students to finalize their literature review. Students will also progress through the IRB process, in preparation for conducting their project.
  • COMS 989 – Dissertation III
    • This course is the third step for Ph.D. students and faculty to actualize the student’s dissertation. The student will conduct their final project research. Students will finalize the dissertation with an emphasis on developing results and analysis sections.
  • COMS 990 – Dissertation IV
    • Under the direction of the dissertation chair and committee, doctoral candidates defend their dissertation research. The student must also complete any changes as determined by committee members, ensure compliance with the Dissertation Manual’s form and style, and upload the final dissertation according to stated protocols. The final oral Ph.D. dissertation defense is primarily an opportunity to share the research and address questions and challenges about the research. It is held following the approval of the dissertation committee, and is open to the public, held on campus, and scheduled a minimum of one month following approval.

Regent University

  • ENGL 101 – English Composition I
    • Study and development of skills in planning, writing, and revising the expository essay, with attention given to developing a thesis, providing adequate support, and developing paragraphs with clear introductions and conclusions. This course should be taken in the first year.
  • ENGL 102 – English Composition II
    • An introduction to research skills and academic writing. Students learn and practice the common steps and formats in writing a university-level research paper, such as writing and submitting proposals, writing literature reviews, following general research paper formats, and using an annotated bibliography.
  • ENGL 205 – Literature of the Western World
    • Great literary works in the Western tradition from the ancient to the present.
  • ENGL 211 – British Literature I
    • Survey of English literature from the Middle Ages through the eighteenth century (450-1798). Primary emphasis is placed upon the works of major writers, with general references to the historical, social, and biographical backgrounds as necessary information for an understanding of the literature. Parallel reading and reports are required.
  • UIS 310 – Fundamentals of Grammar
    • Study of the English language and its structure including grammatical accuracy, usage, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics.
  • COM 500 Regent Foundations for Graduate Success
    • Knowledge and resources essential for academic success at Regent University at the graduate level including academic writing, online learning, information literacy, advising, and support services.
  • COM 600 – Story, Popular Culture, and Worldview
    • Prominent historical and theoretical perspectives of media and popular culture and their influence on individuals and communities from a Christocentric worldview.  Provides media professionals and emergent scholars with an understanding of the role of media and narrative in the development of worldviews.
  • COM 601 – Media Research and Analysis
    • Media industry research methods, evaluation, and analysis techniques, including surveys, content analyses, polling, data mining, in-depth interviews, and focus groups. Common research practices of professional journalists, public relations practitioners, film-television professionals, media analysts and consultants, and communication scholars are examined.
  • COM 652 – Crisis Communication and Organizational Image
    • Professional strategies and practices for developing, maintaining, and restoring an organization’s image. Emphasis on crisis communication planning and response, including knowledge of how the interactive digital media environment fosters and intensifies organizational crises, creates ethical challenges and provides innovative response opportunities. Applied lab included.
  • COM 691 – Culminating Project Preparation
    • Students work with faculty to learn about academic requirements for publication, determine the topic/set-up of culminating projects, complete necessary preparation to begin projects, and arrange for committee assignments.
  • COM 696 – The Directed Project
    • Serves as the culminating experience providing master’s degree candidates with professional work in their field of study. Students arrange an internship or other work agreement with a commercial, public, or non-profit organization to produce a media product, service, or campaign under the supervision of a project coordinator and faculty member.
  • COM 704 – Applied Methods
    • Advanced application of social science research methods and statistics, qualitative research methods, or historical-critical research methods to communication study. Focus on conducting original research using one of these three methodologies in preparation for dissertation work and producing scholarship.
  • COM 708 – History of Communication
    • Interdisciplinary analysis of communication history, with a special focus on the emergence and influence of communication systems and technologies on societies and cultures observed through a biblical lens.
  • COM 722 – Communication for the Professional: Quantitative Research
    • A study of classic and contemporary social science research methodologies and statistics utilized in the study of communication with an emphasis on applications for the communication professional.
  • COM 723 – Communication for the Professional: Qualitative Research
    • A study of ethnography, focus group interview techniques, participant observation, in-depth personal interview, and other methodologies currently employed in the communication field with an emphasis on applications for the communication professional.
  • COM 724 – Communication for the Professional: Applied Methods
    • Advanced application of social science research methods and statistics, and qualitative research methods. Focus on conducting effective communication audits in preparation for the doctoral project.
  • COM 785 – The Rhetoric of Crisis
    • Seminar exploring the rhetoric used before, during, and after a crisis. Specific emphasis on COVID-19 and the global pandemic. Focus on leadership and organizational communication as it pertains to the management of a crisis.


Doctoral Courses at Regent University 

  • COM 700 – Introduction to Communication Studies
  • COM 701 – Historical/Critical Research Methods
  • COM 702 – Quantitative Research Methods
  • COM 703 – Qualitative Research Methods
  • COM 704 – Applied Research Methods
  • COM 705 – Advanced Communication Theory
  • COM 708 – History of Communication
  • COM 709 – Theology and Communication
  • COM 730 – Writing for Publication
  • COM 785 – Family Communication
  • COM 791 – Doctoral Pedagogy in History of Communication
  • COM 795 – Dissertation Research I and II
  • COM 797 – Qualification Examinations
  • COM 799 – Dissertation Mentoring

Master’s Courses at Regent University 

  • COM 507 – Social Media and Internet Marketing
  • COM 628 – Leadership Theory and Communication
  • COM 631 – Organizational Communication
  • COM 652 – Crisis Communication

Master’s Courses at Mercy College

  • ENGL 500 – Theory and Practice of Literary Criticism
  • ENGL 501 – Themes and Genres of Medieval Literature
  • ENGL 502 – Humanism in Renaissance Texts
  • ENGL 503 – Reason and Imagination
  • ENGL 506 – History of Poetic Forms
  • ENGL 509 – Perspectives on the Essay
  • ENGL 510 – Theory and Practice of Expository Writing
  • ENGL 514 – Major Authors: Chaucer
  • ENGL 515 – Literature of Colonial America
  • ENGL 516 – Thesis Seminar

Other Courses

  • RES 320 – Foundations of Research

Professional Development

  • Foundations for Teaching with Blackboard Certificate (Regent University, 2016-2017)
    • Core modules: Blackboard Fundamentals, More Blackboard Fundamentals, Grade Center, Collaborate, Tools to Support Student Engagement, Designing and Deploying Assessments, and Universal Design: Accessibility
    • Elective modules: Accelerated Course Best Practices, Content Management System, Digital Portfolios for Student Assessment, Course Readiness: Getting Off to a Great Start, Integrating Open Educational Resources with Backwards Design, Applying the Quality Matters Rubric, Moderating Effective Online Discussions, Panopto 1, and Panopto 2, VoiceThread and Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
  • Master Class for Teaching Online (Arizona State University, 2017)
    • The workshop focus on Teaching with Digital Tools (Screencasting, YellowDig, PitchVantage)
    • Assessing the Online Learner, Effective Online Discussions, and Applying the Quality Matters Rubric
  • CAD Subject Matter Expert Training (Liberty University, 2019)
  • CITI Training (Liberty University, 2019)
    • Social-Behavioral-Educational Basic Course
      • The SBE Basic course provides an introduction to social-behavioral-educational research with a focus on the protection of human subjects. It offers historic and current information on regulatory and ethical issues important to the conduct of research involving human subjects. Case studies are used within the modules to present key concepts. This course has been updated to reflect the 2018 Requirements of the Common Rule.
    • Refresher 1 Course
      • This course highlights important concepts from the Human Subjects Research – Social-Behavioral-Educational (SBE) basic course. It covers historical and current information on regulatory and ethical issues important to the conduct of research involving human subjects. It also explores topics with added depth to retrain learners on key points from the basic course.